CSR News
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FITEQ partners with CONI and other sporting organisations to further teqball in Italy
FITEQ and Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade have organised a donation with four Italian sporting organisation including the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI)
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Supporting the formation of a new teqball community in Innsbruck, Austria
Diplomacy and sport hand-in-hand for supporting the teqball life in Innsbruck
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Creating the opportunity to participate
You must have the knowledge of the rules, the skills and tactics, but unless you have the opportunity to play you never will do so!
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High level diplomatic visit in Nuremberg, Germany
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Summertime teq days
Kids were participated in a sport day organised by the Hungarian Interchurch Aid in which FITEQ provided the staff and equipment.
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FITEQ launches Table of Peace programme to contribute to a brighter future through sport
The International Teqball Federation (FITEQ) has launched a new global CSR programme under the banner Table of Peace.
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FITEQ pledges commitment to UNAOC #OneHumanity campaign
FITEQ has joined forces with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) to promote the organisation’s #OneHumanity campaign.