The ITA webinar series continues in 2024
In 2023, ITA and FITEQ started to host unique webinar sessions for Teqball players, coaches, and members of national federations. The five-stage education will continue with another five occasions in 2024.
The International Testing Agency together with FITEQ had five online events for every member of the Teqball family in 2023. From 86 countries, almost 300 people attended. The teqers were especially active as almost half of the group were athletes.
However, the education does not stop in 2024. Already five webinars are set. The events will be offered in English with simultaneous translation in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.
-Introduction to anti-doping
-Overview of the system, rights and responsibilities
-The Doping Control Process
-Includes testing procedures (urine and blood) and ABP
-Medications, Supplements,
-Prohibited List and TUEs
-Includes the Principle of Strict Liability
-Values, Consequences, and Reporting
-Includes decision-making and athlete testimonials
-Out-of-Competition Testing
-Includes requirements of RTP/TP, whereabouts, use of ADAMS
WADA held its 2024 Global Education Conference in Cannes, France. It was an enriching experience to attend and discuss emerging trends and share experiences with IFs and anti-doping professionals. WADA has made a clear message and FITEQ is ready to develop its anti-doping education plan further. - said Ms. Nikoletta Kazmer, National Federation Development Officer. She emphasized that it is cardinal that Teqball athletes have the power of knowledge from the playground to the podium. In cooperation with the International Testing Agency, FITEQ continuously provide clean sports education to the Teqball community in 2024.
"The IF Webinar Series between April and May will provide comprehensive knowledge on anti-doping, while FITEQ's Sport Specific Webinar later this year will focus on athlete support personnel, such as coaches, and medical and technical staff members." - she added.