12 Mar 2025

ITA news for 2025

The upcoming events of ITA's 2025 campaign have been released.


The International Teqball Federation (FITEQ) in joined forces with International Testing Agency (ITA) invites the Teqball community to join the IF Webinar Series in 2025.  

We highly encourage the NFs, players, coaches and other athlete support personnel to take advantage of this chance to expand their knowledge on Clean Sport practices. 


One of the responsibilities under the World Anti-Doping Code is to require member federations to conduct education and this is a great opportunity to be proactive about fulfilling this requirement with this webinar series.

As usually, the IF Webinar Series will be offered in English with simultaneous translation in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.


Please make sure to complete the registration in advance: REGISTRATION LINK OF THE EVENTS

Webinar Theme Date and Time (CEST)

1.         Introduction to anti-doping 

Overview of the Athlete Rights and Responsibilities, Anti-Doping Rule Violations, Consequences of Doping, and Proactive Reporting

Wednesday 9 April

14:00-15:00 CEST

2.         The Prohibited List, Medications, TUEs and Supplements 

Includes the principle of Strict Liability

Wednesday 16 April

14:00-15:00 CEST

3.         Testing

Includes the Testing Procedures and the ABP, Testing Pools, and Whereabouts

Wednesday 23 April

14:00-15:00 CEST