Teqball India collaborates with No Food Waste in community support programme
FITEQ congratulates Teqball India for its efforts to use sport to positively affect society, in particular its programme that jointly tackled hunger in poorer communities and the global sustainability issue of food waste.
On Olympic Day, 23 June, Teqball India and Teqball Tamilnadu launched a Food For Hunger Week, in collaboration with NGO No Food Waste. The organisation is a not-for-profit surplus food management initiative connecting untouched edible surplus food with communities in need.
Throughout the week, the programme provided food that would have otherwise gone to waste to over 5,000 people. Due to the impact of COVID-19, an increasing number of people around the world have faced difficulties accessing food. The initiative of Teqball India, which also focused on helping people affected by HIV, supported some of the people most in need.
FITEQ encourages all National Federations to implement CSR and sustainability programmes, in line with the FITEQ Sustainable Development Handbook. Since its foundation, FITEQ has placed significant emphasis on contributing to a brighter and more sustainable future, and the handbook provides practical and cost-effective ideas that its National Federations can implement.