Registration Start Date: 05/12/2022 00:00 (GST)
Registration Deadline: 09/02/2023 00:00 (GST)
Cancellation Deadline: 16/02/2023 00:00 (GST)
Organising Federation:FITEQ
Competition Type:Teqball Tour
Events: Men’s doubles, Women’s doubles, Mixed doubles
Competition Venue:Burj Park, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Venue types: Outdoor
Prize Money:$30,000
Cancellation Fee: $100
Age Limit: 14+ years


- One athlete may compete in maximum 2 categories.

(Please note that if an athlete does not add his/her partner's name by the registration deadline, his/her registration is invalid.)

Entries are accepted only through the FITEQ registration system.


Coach accreditation:
(Please fill out the form before: 16 February 2023)

- Only coaches with a valid FITEQ recognised certificate are eligible for a Coach accreditation! 
No other people will receive a Coach accreditation.

- For coach accreditation, please click here

- Accepted certifications: FITEQ Level Intro, FITEQ Level 1

Team Official accreditation:
(Official Club and National Federation representatives)
For Team Official accreditation please write an email to

(Pairs can be replaced by another athlete from any country until the cancellation deadline.
The organisation and travel costs of the new athlete must be paid by the team, as well as any administrative fees FITEQ incurs for the change of reservations.)
In case you would like to register a reserved athlete, please write to 

Event guide will be uploaded after the cancellation deadline.


- Please note that if an athlete does not add his/her partner's name by the registration deadline, his/her registration is invalid. 
- Entries are accepted only through the FITEQ registration system.