Registration Start Date: 31/01/2020 23:00 (CET)
Registration Deadline:-
Cancellation Deadline:-
Organising Federation:
Competition Type:Challenger Cup
Events: Singles
Competition Venue:Hungary, Csonka János Műszaki Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola, 1165 Budapest, Arany János Street 55, Budapest, Hungary
Venue types: Indoor
Prize Money:No prize money
Cancellation Fee:No cancellation fee
Age Limit:None


Competition Type - Challenger Cup

Competition Venue - Indoor

Events - Singles

Competition Format - Group stage & Knockout stage

Number of Entries - Maximum 32

Organiser  - Csaba Banyik, email: [email protected]

Registration Deadline -  27 February 2020

Competition AddressCsonka János Muszaki Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola, Arany János Street 55,  1165 Budapest, Hungary

Prize Money - 2000$

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Players participating at the Challenger Cup must create a free account at RankedIn tournament software. Please create an account and select Teqball as favorite sport: